Instruction and Instruction Format in 8085

Definition of Instruction in 8085 Microprocessor

Instruction is a command or a binary pattern given to a computer to perform specific operation on given data/Operand. In 8085 Microprocessor, Instructions are of 8 bit. There are 74 types of 246 instructions.

Instruction and Instruction Format in 8085

The group of instructions including it's Size, Machine cycles, and T-States is called Instruction set. The entire group of instructions called the instruction set determines what functions the micro processor can perform. It has two parts Opcode and Operand.

  • Opcode specified how to manipulate data/operand.
  • Operand may be data or address.

Opcode Operand

Learn Microprocessor[Beginner to Advanced]

  1. Instruction Cycle: The processing time required to complete the execution of an instruction is known as Instruction Cycle. It consists of:
      • Fetch Cycle
      • Decode Cycle
      • Execute Cycle
    • Instruction Cycle are Basically the group of Machine cycles like Instruction Fetch cycle, Memory Read cycle, Memory write Cycle, I/O write etc.
  2. Machine Cycle: The time taken by processor to access memory location, IO ports or to acknowledge an interrupt once. 
    • It is basically the combination of T-States.
  3. T-States: The sub division of Operation per one Clock Cycle of processor's clock. 
    • These sub division are internal states synchronized with system clock and each T states precisely equal to one clock period. 

Instruction Format(Types of Instruction on the basis of Size):

Instruction Format is defined as the different types of Instruction on the basis of size. There are three types of instruction format in 8085 microprocessor.
  1. One Byte Instruction:
    • These Instruction use a total memory of one-byte(8 bit).
    • These Instructions consists of the opcode only in the same byte.
    • For example:
      • MOV A,B
      • ADD B
      • RLC
    • Opcode
  2. Two Byte Instruction:
    • These instructions use a total memory of two bytes. 
    • The first byte specifies the opcode and second byte specifies the 1 byte operand(data).
    • Opcode Operand(data)
    • For Example:
      • ADI 40H
      • IN 01H
      • MVI A,32H
  3. Three Byte Instruction:
    • These instructions use a total memory of three bytes.
    • The first byte specifies the opcode and the remaining two bytes specifies the 16-bit address i.e. second byte specifies the lower order address and third byte specifies the higher order address.
    • Opcode Operand(address)
    • For Example:
      • LDA 2050H
      • LXI H, 2040H
      • STA 2070H 

Instruction and Instruction Format in 8085 Instruction and Instruction Format in 8085 Reviewed by Sandesh Shrestha on 09 March Rating: 5

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