Kendall's Notation

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Kendall's Notation provides a very convenient description of Queuing System and is universally accepted and used by most of the Statisticians. The notation of a Queuing System has the form:

[a | b | c : d | e]

a: Interarrival rate
b: Service rate
c: number of Server/channel
d: Queue Capacity/ System capacity
e: Queuing Discipline

Some of the Queuing Disciplines are:

  • FIFO/FCFS =  First In First Out/First Come First Served (The customers are served in the order they arrived in.)
  • LIFO/LCFS =  Last in First Out/Last Come First Served (The customers are served in the reverse order to the order they arrived in.)
  • SIRO = Service In Random Order (The customers are served in random order with no regard to arrival order.)

a and b usually takes the symbols
M: Markovian or Exponential Distribution
G: for Arbitrary or General Distribution
D: for Fixed or Deterministic Distribution

The 4 most important Queuing System in this notation are:

Kendall's Notation Kendall's Notation Reviewed by Sandesh Shrestha on 25 June Rating: 5

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