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Let {Xn,n ≥ 0} be a Markov Chain (MC) with Transition Probability matrix P with two states (0 and 1) which can represent two different events.
Here in the given figure,
probability of transition from state 0 to 1 is P01 = a
probability of transition from state 1 to 0 is P10 = b
so, P00 = 1 - P01 = 1- a
and, P11 = 1- P10 = 1-b
The Transition Probability Matrix is
Such that, |1 - a - b| < 1
Then the n-step TPM is given by the formula:
For n is very large i.e (n tends to infinity)
Solved Problems of n-step TPM
Solved Problem 1:
In a hypothetical market, there are only two brands A and B. One Customer buys brand A with probability 0.7 if his last purchase was A, and buys B with probability 0.4 if his last purchase was B. Assuming Markov Chain model, Obtain:i. One step Transition Probability Matrix
ii. n-step Transition Probability Matrix
Hence highlight the proportion of customers who would buy brands A and B in the long run.
= Solution:
Let 0 and 1 represent the event of buying Brand A and Brand B respectively.
We have, Transition probability Matrix is:
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n-Step Transition Probability Matrix of a Two-state Markov Chain with Solved problems
Reviewed by Sandesh Shrestha
26 June

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