IOE BME Syllabus | Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering | TU

Here below is the IOE BME Syllabus (Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering) which is a most recent Syllabus or Course Content for Institute of Engineering (IOE) including affiliated Engineering Colleges and the Academic Institutions affiliated to Tribhuvan University (TU), Nepal.

Mechanical engineering is one of the widest and broad course among all Engineering courses and faculties. Mechanical Engineering is the branch of engineering that deals with design and production/invention of tools, machines and all other mechanical equipment that are meant to  be used in small factories of large scale industries. The market of engineering offers a wide choice of options for Mechanical engineers that extends across many interdisciplinary fields.

Mechanical engineering is mainly associated with different kinds of machineries and equipment in factories, industries and different parts of  mechanical tools and the different way of functioning of the equipment. The design, innovation, construction, production,development, installation, operation and maintenance areas like gas turbines, different parts of thermal power stations, combustion engines, jet engines, machine tools, air conditioning and heating machines, refrigerators etc.

Source : pexels

Tribhuvan University offers a 4 year course Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering which is very popular among the students. This course is separated into eight different parts. The 1st year course include the fundamental subjects which is common among others faculties. The 2nd and the 3rd year includes specific courses of the related course. The 4th year includes professional and course of applications of different topics.


Students should have secured at least the minimum of 'C' Grade in all subjects in Grade 11 and 12(+2) in the system of Letter Grading System. Or,

The students who having minimum score of 45% in I. Sc. or 10+2 (physical group or biological group with two paper mathematics) or diploma in engineering or an equivalent course recognized by TU can appear in the entrance examination conducted by Tribhuvan University, Institute of Engineering.

Only the students who have passed the entrance examination conducted by IOE are eligible for admission in IOE constituent campuses and affiliated colleges on merit basis.

Job and Career Opportunity:
Mechanical engineers are the one who apply valid principles of engineering to supply effective and efficient solutions to different constructive and developmental processes and products, varying from tiny module designs to very large plants, machinery, vehicles and tools.

 Some Tasks to be done by Mechanical Engineers are:

  • To detect and do analysis of problems to find out that how mechanical and thermal tools may help to solve a particular problem.
  • To check the equipment failure or challenges that might arise while detecting faulty operation and to recommend solutions to those problems.
  • Design mechanical and thermal equipments using and implementing CAD(Computer Aided Design)
  • Develop and test prototypes of devices designed by them or others.

Many industries and fields rely on mechanical systems. So mechanical engineering is one of the most diverse faculty of all engineering disciplines, with employment opportunities available in a wide range of sectors.

Here is the table of IOE BME Syllabus that is the most recent syllabus of Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering.

First Year - First Semester
1. Mathematics I [SH401]
2. Computer Programming [CT401]
3. Engineering Drawing I[ME401]
4. Engineering Chemistry [SH403]
5. Fundamental of Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer [ME402]
Workshop Technology [ME 403]
First Year – Second Semester
1. Mathematics II [SH451]
2. Engineering Drawing II[ME451]
3. Basic Electronics Engineering [EX451]
4. Engineering Physics [SH452]
Basic Electrical Engineering [EE451]
6. Applied Mechanics [CE451]
Second Year – Third Semester
1. Mathematics III[SH501]
2. Material Science [ME 501]
3. Engineering Mechanics [ME 502]
4. Metrology [ME 503]
5. Applied Thermodynamics [ME 504]
6. Computer Aided Drawing [ME 505]
7. Electromagnetism [EX 503]
Second Year – Fourth Semester
1. Electrical Machine [EE 554]
2. Probability And Statistics [SH 552]
3. Manufacturing And Production Processes [ME 551]
4. Strength of Materials [ME 552]
5. Instrumentation and Measurement [ME 553]
6. Fluid Mechanics [ME 554]
Third Year - Fifth Semester
1. Numerical Methods [SH603]
2. Control System [EE602]
3. Organization and Management [ME601]
4. Mechanics of Solids [ME602]
5. Heat Transfer [ME 604]
6. Fluid Machines [ME605]
Third Year - Sixth Semester
1. Communication English [SH651]
2. Machine Design I [ME651]
3. Industrial Engineering and Management [ME652]
4. Theory of Mechanism and Machine I [ME653]
5. Internal Combustion Engines [ME654]
6. Energy Resources [ME655]
Fourth Year - Seventh Semester
1. Machine Design II [ME701]
2. Theory of Mechanism and Machine II [ME702]
3. Engineering Economics [ME703]
4. Turbo Machines [ME704]
5. Environment and Pollution Control [ME705]
6. Industrial Attachment [ME 706]
Fourth Year - Eighth Semester
1. Project Engineering [CE 751]
2. Finite Element Method [ME751]
3. Engineering Professional Practice [CE 752]
4. Project I & II ME

 IOE BCT Syllabus | Bachelor in Computer Engineering

Elective I for Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering (BME)

1. Automobile Technology [ME72501]
2. Heating Ventilating and Air Conditioning [ME72502]
3. Gaseous Bio-Fuel [ME72503]
4. Operations Research / Management Science [ME72504]
5.Basics of Micro Hydropower Plant [ME72505]
6. Basic Aircraft and Air Frame [ME72506]
7. Tool Design for Economic Production [ME72507]

You can simply DOWNLOAD or PREVIEW  the PDF file of the IOE BME Syllabus (Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering) by clicking  the links below:
Preview of PDF file |  IOE BEX Syllabus
Download PDF file | Bachelor in  Mechanical Engineering syllabus
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IOE BME Syllabus | Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering | TU IOE BME Syllabus | Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering | TU Reviewed by Sandesh Shrestha on 29 January Rating: 5

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