Definition of Instruction and Instruction Sets in 8085 Microprocessor:

Instruction is a command or a binary pattern given to a computer to perform specific operation on given data/Operand.  Instruction is actually a command to the microprocessor to perform a given task on specified data. In 8085 Microprocessor, Instructions are of 8 bit. There are 74 types of 246 instructions.

The entire group of these instructions are called Instruction Sets which determines what functions the microprocessor should perform.

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Based on the nature of operation of instruction, 8085 Instruction sets can be classified as follow:

  1. Data Transfer Instructions
  2. Arithmetic Instructions
  3. Logical Instructions
  4. Rotate Instructions
  5. Branching instructions
  6. Control Instructions

A. Data Transfer Instructions:

It is the largest instruction group, It move the data from register to register, or register to memory, or memory to register, or register to I/O ports, or form I/O ports to register. But the data transfer from memory to memory is invalid. The instructions in data transfer group doesn't affect the flags.

Mnemonics Description Example
MOV Rd,Rs - Copies the content of source Register Rs to Destination Register Rd.
- Rs and Rd can be A, B, C, D, E, H, L
MOV Rd,M - Copies the content of Memory Location M to Destination Register Rd.
- Memory Location M is specified by HL register pair.
MOV M,Rs - Copies the content of Source Register Rs to Memory Location M. MOV M,A
MVI Rd,8-bit
(Load register immediately)
- The 8-bit data is stored in the destination register Rd MVI A,34H
MVI M,8-bit
(Load Memory immediately)
- The 8-bit data is stored in the Memory Location M MVI M,32H
LDA 16-bit
(Load Accumulator Direct)
- Copies the content of memory location specified by 16-bit address into Accumulator A LDA 2070H
STA 16-bit
(Store Accumulator Direct)
- Copies the content of Accumulator A into 16-bit memory address STA 2070H
(Load Accumulator Indirect)
- Copies the content of memory location specified by register pair RP into Accumulator A.
- Register pair can be B or D i.e BC or DE pair.
(Store Accumulator Indirect)
- Copies the content of A into 16-bit memory address specified by register pair RP.
- Register pair can be B or D i.e BC or DE pair.
LXI RP, 16-bit
(Load Register Pair)
- Loads 16-bit data into register pair.
- Register pair can be B, D, or H i.e BC, DE or HL pair.
LXI H, 2015H
IN 8-bit address - The data from i/p port specified by 8-bit address is transferred into Accumulator A IN 40H
OUT 8-bit address - The data of Accumulator A is transferred into output port specified by 8-bit address OUT 10H
XCHG - Exchange the content of HL pair with DE pair i.e. the content of H and D are exchanged whereas content of L and E are exchanged XCHG

B. Arithmetic Instructions:

The instructions that are used for arithmetic operations.

Mnemonics Description Example
(add Register/Memory)
- The content of Register/Memory(R/M) is added to the A and result is stored in A.
- The memory M is specified by the HL register Pair.
ADD B [A <= A+B]
ADD M [A <= A+M]
(add with carry)
- The content of register /memory (R/M) is added to the A along with carry flag CF and result is stored in A.
- The memory M is specified by the HL register Pair.
ADC B [A <= A+B+CF]
ADC M [A <= A+M+CF]
ADI 8-bit
(add immediate)
- The 8-bit data is added to A and result is stored in A. ADI 42H [A <= A+42]
ACI 8-bit
(add immediate with carry)
- The 8-bit data is added to A along with carry flag CD and result is stored in A. ACI 42H [A <= A+42+CF]
(Subtract Register/Memory)
- The content of register /memory (R/M) is subtracted from A and result is stored in A.
- The memory M is specified by the HL register Pair.
SUB B [A <= A-B]
SUB M [A <= A-M]
(Subtract with burrow)
- The content of register /memory (R/M) is subtracted from A along with borrow value and result is stored in A .
- The memory M is specified by the HL register Pair.
SBB B [A <= A-B-CF]
SBB M [A <= A-M-CF]
SUI 8-bit
(Subtract immediate)
- The 8-bit data is subtracted from A and result is stored in A. SUI 32H [A <= A-32]
(Increment Register/Memory)
- Increment the content of register/memory by 1.
- The memory M is specified by the HL register Pair.
INR B [B <= B+1]
INR M [M <= M+1]
(Decrement Register/Memory)
- Decrement the content of register/memory by 1.
- The memory M is specified by the HL register Pair.
DCR B [B <= B-1]
DCR M [M <= M-1]
(Increment Register Pair)
- Increment the content of register pair RP by 1. INX H [HL <= HL+1]
(Decrement Register Pair)
- Decrement the content of register pair RP by 1. DCX H [HL <= HL-1]

See also:
Instruction and Instruction Format in 8085

C. Logical Instructions:

Logical Instructions are used to perform logical operations.

Mnemonics Description Example
(Compare Register/Memory)
- Compare the content of register/memory with A.
- Result of Comparison:
If A < R/M : Carry Flag CY=1
If A = R/M : Zero Flag Z=1
If A > R/M : Carry Flag CY=0
CPI 8-bit
(Compare immediate)
- Compares 8-bit data with A.
- Result of Comparison:
If A < 8-bit : Carry Flag CY=1
If A = 8-bit : Zero Flag Z=1
If A > 8-bit : Carry Flag CY=0
(Logical AND register/memory)
- The content of A are logically ANDed with the content of register/memory and result is stored in A.
- Memory M must be specified by HL pair.
ANA B [A <= A.B]
ANA M [A <= A.M]
ANI 8-bit
(AND immediate)
- The content of A are logically ANDed with the 8-bit data and result is stored in A. ANI 32H [A <= A.32H]
(logical OR register/memory)
- The content of A are logically ORed with the content of register/memory and result is stored in A.
- Memory M must be specified by HL pair.
ORA B [A <= A or B]
ORA M [A <= A or M]
ORI 8-bit
(OR immediate)
- The content of A are logically ORed with the 8-bit data and result is stored in A. ORI 32H [A <= A or 32H]
(logical XOR register/memory)
- The content of A are logically XORed with the content of register/memory and result is stored in A.
- Memory M must be specified by HL pair.
XRA B [A <= A xor B]
XRA M [A <= A xor M]
XRI 8-bit
(XOR immediate)
- The content of A are logically XORed with the 8-bit data and result is stored in A. XRI 32H [A <= A xor 32H]

D. Rotate Instructions:

Mnemonics Description Example
(Rotate Accumulator Left)
- Each bit of A is rotated left by one bit position.
- Bit D7 is placed in the position of D0.
(Rotate Accumulator Right)
- Each bit of A is rotated right by one bit position.
- Bit D0 is placed in the position of D7.
(Rotate Accumulator Left with Carry)
- Each bit of A is rotated left by one bit position along with carry flag CY. RAL
(Rotate Accumulator Right with Carry)
- Each bit of A is rotated right by one bit position along with carry flag CY. RAR

See Also:
8085 Addressing Modes

E. Branching Instructions:

The group of instructions to change the sequence of a program either conditionally or unconditionally.

Mnemonics Description Example
Unconditional jump
JMP 16-bit The program sequence is transferred to the memory location specified by 16-bit address JMP C0005H
Conditional jump
JC 16-bit address Jump on Carry (CY=1)
JNC 16-bit address Jump on no Carry (CY=0)
JP 16-bit address Jump on Positive (S=0)
JM 16-bit address Jump on Negative (S=1)
JZ 16-bit address Jump on Zero (Z=1)
JNZ 16-bit address Jump on no zero (Z=0)
JPE 16-bit address Jump on even parity (P=1)
JPO 16-bit address Jump on odd parity (P=0)
JM 16-bit address Jump on Negative (S=1)
Call and Return instruction
Call 16-bit The program sequence is transferred to the subroutine at memory location specified by the 16-bit address. CALL COO5H
RET The program sequence is transferred from the subroutine program to calling program. RET

E. Control Instructions:

Mnemonics Description Example
NOP No operation is performed. NOP
HLT The CPU finishes executing the current instruction and stops any further execution. HLT

So these are the 8085 Instructions sets that helps to perform different specific tasks.

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8085 INSTRUCTION SETS 8085 INSTRUCTION SETS Reviewed by Sandesh Shrestha on 11 March Rating: 5

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